wasting-money-HVACToronto, or anywhere in Ontario for that matter, is not known as a major hot weather location, but anyone who has lived here long enough knows that it can get extremely hot during the summer months. Add in exceedingly high humidity levels and you have heat indices that continually climb well into the mid to upper 30s, Celsius.

As anyone here knows, that can make life uncomfortable, which is why most homeowners have at least one window air conditioning unit in their home, if they don’t have central air.

However, that air conditioning window unit is most likely –no, it’s definitely– costing you more money to run that it should. Here are a couple of reasons why.

First, even if you keep the door to the room you’re using the air conditioning window unit closed, every single time you open that door, cold air is pushing out into the rest of the house.

Even if you’re only going into the bedroom for a moment, you may leave the door open as it’s more convenient. Once that cooled air is gone and fresh hot air is in, that unit will be running to keep the room cold again.

Second, few homeowners truly understand how to insulate the window units properly. That means every minute that the hot air is outside trying to get in, it is. Few window air conditioning units are sealed within the window.

Third, do you know whether you have the settings adjusted properly? If not, then you could possibly have it set on bringing in outside air, not recirculated air, which will require more power and it will take longer to cool the home.

Fourth, when you’re not running the window unit, do you close the vents, if they are open? If not, then you might as well have the windows open.

Yes, they can be convenient in the short term, but those window air conditioning units will actually cost you a lot more money in the long run than having central air conditioning installed.

Don’t waste any more money this year; call McKinnon to find out the better options that are available for you and your family, or how to maximize efficiency if you prefer the window air conditioning units.