Boiler Installation, Repair, Service, TorontoFor those who don’t know what a boiler is, it is a chamber where water is heated, vaporized and used as heat energy for your home. A hot water boiler is an important part of living comfortably, and keeping it maintained is important not just for your convenience, but also to ensure your safety. A hot water boiler can be extremely dangerous if not regularly checked. Knowing when and how your boiler should be maintained is essential for any homeowner or renter.

You should have your boiler inspected by a professional at least once every three years though doing a yearly inspection is best. As part of general maintenance, you should check the water level of your boiler every other week so that you do not boil the heater dry as this can have disastrous effects on the equipment. When you check the water level, make sure the pilot light is lit and that there is no fuel accumulation near the pilot light area, or any other leaks.

With winter right around the corner, you should take some time to see that your boiler is ready to handle the extra workload. A hot water boiler will work the hardest during the winter months, so you should perform a general check now, before the cold weather hits. Clean the boiler room to prevent dust from clogging the fan mechanism. Check that the boiler water level is filled. You should check the pilot light to make sure it is working properly and is at the right height. If it is not performing well, you may want to take it out and clean off any debris. You should test the low water cutoff and ensure the pilot light detection mechanism is working properly by blowing out the pilot light, relighting it, and seeing if the boiler recognized the change.

After winter, you would want to perform summer maintenance. Doing this helps the boiler recover from the hard work it performed in the winter months. You must flush all the liquid out of the boiler; cleaning and removing any build up from the interior. You should check to see if any components are in need of replacement at this time. You should always install new gaskets and then refill the boiler. If there is excess lime scale from hard water, descale your boiler. Make sure to lubricate all moving parts, such as the fan, and all the pumps. You should also check for leaks.

If you find anything out of the ordinary during your winter or summer maintenance, call a professional right away. Do not attempt to repair your boiler unless you have experience working them.