HVAC DiagramAt McKinnon Heating and Cooling, we want our customers to know that we are here to help make sure your indoor air quality, heating, and air conditioning are as important to us as they are to you. We encourage preventative maintenance because when you take care of your HVAC system, it continues to take care of you.

The best times to schedule maintenance checkups are in the spring and autumn. This will ensure peak efficiency during the months you need it most. Your HVAC system is most likely the single biggest consumer of energy in your home. In fact, over a third of the energy used in Canada is used to heat and cool residences and businesses. Up to 50% more energy can be saved with proper installation, sizing, and maintenance of central air conditioning and heat pumps.

You tend to forget about your system until a problem arises which is why it is smart to plan your maintenance ahead of time. It is too easy to forget to take care of your system until it fails. Reduced efficiency, higher energy consumption, discomfort, premature replacement, and higher repair costs are the result.

Just like you get your car’s oil changed regularly, you should have your HVAC system checked twice per year.

When McKinnon comes out for maintenance checks, we will perform the following:

– Check all system functions and safety features and make adjustments where necessary.
– Inspect all electrical parts and connections. Repair any damage or replace parts if necessary.
– Inspect filters to ensure optimal airflow.
– Inspect the pumps and motors and lubricate moving parts.
– Inspect all belts. Adjust and align them as needed.
– Inspect blowers and balance accordingly.

These steps are conducted for every maintenance visit. There are different services performed during a spring visit versus an autumn visit in preparation for the upcoming season.

Call McKinnon today to schedule your maintenance visit. You will save money in the long run and you’ll have better peace of mind knowing your system is in perfect health.