Furnaces TorontoNow that winter is finally over, it’s time to think about replacing that old, worn out furnace.

You just spent plenty of your hard earned money on heating your home and the last thing you want to think about is spending more to replace that old, clunky, noisy, fuel guzzling furnace.

However, if your furnace is old and has been giving you trouble in recent years, requiring more service calls and breaking down at the worst possible times, then it may be time to seriously consider replacing it. Depending on the age of your furnace, and the fuel that it burns, you could be spending way more on your heating costs than you should have to.

Today’s furnaces are light years ahead of their older counterparts when it comes to energy efficiency. This will save you a ton of money on your heating bills.

Why now?

Most homeowners, right now, are thinking about turning their heating system off for the year. They’re looking to the coming spring and summer months and enjoying the opportunity to not freeze every day.

So since fewer people are concerned with their furnace, there may be incentives available by HVAC companies. Service is also more readily available, so you would likely be able to have your furnace replaced on a day that’s convenient for you.

If you don’t know how old your furnace is, or you’re not sure that it needs to be replaced, call on a professional to inspect it and provide an honest assessment about its potential efficiency and reliability.

Call McKinnon today to learn more about furnace replacement and how you can save money and be ready for next winter, right now.