Natural Gas Back Up GeneratorSo far, this has been a rough winter. We’ve seen heavy storms sweep through Southern Ontario and knock out power, sometimes for extended periods of time. Natural gas stand-by generators provide your home or business with electricity when the power is interrupted due to snow, ice, or high winds.

Having a back up generator will protect you and your family from potentially life threatening conditions and situations, and can also protect your home from severe cold weather damage. They are an ideal choice for homeowners, businesses, emergency responders, hospitals, nursing homes, churches, shelters, mass media, and city or county facilities.

Here is a quick breakdown of just some of the advantages to owning a back up generator:

– Natural gas generators are very dependable. They are connected right to your system, which keeps them safe from the elements.
– Since they are directly connected, they provide automatic power when the lights go out.
– They keep going and going because they don’t have to be refueled.
– Natural gas units are not as loud as gas generators and are usually sound insulated to make them even quieter.

What are the advantages of natural gas over fuel generators?

Natural gas is more efficient than other fuels. It burns cleaner and is highly available. These generators operate automatically and continuously until the power is back up. Fuel generators will run out or need to be refueled. If you do not have the fuel on hand, you can be stuck in the cold or have to make a dangerous trip out to get more. Then what happens if the local fueling stations don’t have power?

These generators are also much easier and less expensive to maintain. Overall, they are easier and even healthier (fewer emissions) than fuel generators.

There are myriad benefits to owning one of these units. The safety of your family and availability of power to check on others outside your home are two of the most important. Depending on the type of natural gas generator that you choose for your home, you could power just about everything you have, including the refrigerator, heating system, entertainment systems, and much more.

When you have a natural gas generator, you will be able to remain in the comfort of your home and maintain the proper temperature to keep pipes from freezing, protect your food in the refrigerator, and keep your family safe and warm.