home-energy-auditEveryone wants to save money and there are many minor things you can do that will help you achieve this goal. Here are some simple things you can do at home to save energy and lower your monthly bills.

1. Insulate your water heater to reduce heat loss. Water heating is expensive. Conserve as much of the heat as you can with insulation and you will notice a drop in your bill.

2. Bundle up and lower the temperature. When it’s cold, we have a tendency to raise the thermostat rather than add another layer of clothing. You can save about three percent in energy cost for each degree you lower the thermostat.

3. If you’re having a party, lower the temperature one or two degrees before it starts. Many people in your home will generate significant heat. Turn it down to make everyone comfortable and then raise it again once the party is over.

4. Turn out the lights. Light bulbs do nothing but consume energy. If you’re not using a room, turn them off and conserve energy.

5. Air-dry your dishes rather than using the heated dry setting. It requires a lot of energy to heat the inside of your dishwasher and the dishes will dry just as well on their own.

6. Upgrade to a low-flow toilet to save on water. It is surprising how much more efficient low-flow toilets are; you can save close to four thousand gallons per year for each toilet you replace.

7. Inspect the gasket that seals your refrigerator. If there are any gaps, cracks, or other damage, replace it right away. That cold air is being wasted and you are paying a lot for it.

8. Clean and replace your furnace filters each month. Clogged filters make your system work harder and longer with no additional benefit to you, just higher cost.

9. Insulate all your hot water pipes. You could lower your energy costs by about five percent with this simple step. While you’re at it, insulate your attic as well.

10. Weather strip your windows and doors to trap the hot or cold air in your home. Running your heat and air is costly enough without letting it leak out through the openings in your home.