Maintaining Air ConditionersBefore summer arrives in full force, you should think about your air conditioning system. Not all homes have air condition and many rely on window units, but the tips we’ve compiled here for central air conditioning systems will apply to them as well.

It’s never too early to have the system inspected and cleaned.

At the moment, there is little threat of the brutal summer heat that July and August bring, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be thinking about getting your system ready.

Every homeowner with central air conditioning should have the system inspected and cleaned once per year. This will ensure that leaves and other debris aren’t congesting the mechanisms of the outdoor unit. Keeping the ducts throughout the house clean is also important for keeping dust and allergens to a minimum.

The air conditioning system may also need to be charged. If you wait until the heat of summer to have this done, you may wait for days and maybe even weeks, as that is the time when HVAC professionals are busiest (along with the heart of winter).

Clean the system.

If you choose to clean out your central air conditioning system yourself, do it as soon as you can. Don’t run the system, even to check it, until you are certain that the outside motor is cleaned.

Run your system to check for problems.

You should run your system at some time during the spring months, when it’s not too cold, to determine if there are any problems. Make sure that everything is cleaned first, though.

Listen for any odd noises coming from the system. Feel to make sure that the air pushing through the vents is cool. It may take the system a few minutes to begin forcing cool air through the house.

If you suspect that it might not be functioning properly, contact an HVAC specialist to come out and check on the problems. It could be something minor, or it could be more significant. Repairing any problems with your central air conditioning now will save you hassles during the summer.