
Gas Furnace Pilot Light


Gas furnaces typically run better than oil burners in terms of operational difficulties and they also burn cleaner because of the type of fuel used – natural gas and propane. In fact, the problems that affect gas furnaces typically involve the furnace’s thermocouple, the pilot light, or some component of the electrical system. Leaks are

Furnace Maintenance


One of the nice things about home heating systems is that they are usually trouble free and easy to maintain. The downside to this is that many people forget that they need to do anything at all in terms of upkeep. No matter what type of furnace you have, there are several things you can

Furnace Efficiency


Huge gains in combustion efficiency have been made over the past decade in regard to forced air furnaces. The premium models available today can have as high as 98% efficiency. In 2010, Canada raised its minimum efficiency to 90 percent AFUE, eliminating the mid-efficient furnace option, which is still available in the U.S. While this

Don’t Forget About Your Furnace Filter


Most people don’t give a second thought to their furnace filter; in fact most people don’t give it a first thought as long as the furnace is working. But maintaining your furnace or air handler’s air filter is crucial to your indoor air quality. Improve every breath with these helpful tips. Modern homes are built

Fall Furnace Maintenance


Improved energy efficiency and optimal comfort during the winter months are two of the main benefits of investing in furnace maintenance in the fall. Many people wait until something goes wrong with their furnace, which is usually when they can least afford the malfunction. Just as you should have your air conditioner tuned up in early spring,

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