Congestion, runny noses, and sneezing are all caused by allergens. Although you can take medications to treat the symptoms of these allergens, the best solution is to eliminate or at least greatly reduce them to avoid symptoms all together. If you or your other family members are sensitive to allergens floating around in the air throughout the year, there are many fairly simple ways to reduce or eliminate them altogether.

Animal dander, dust mites, and mold are the three main allergens that affect the majority of allergy sufferers. The following tips will help you reduce your symptoms if you are currently suffering and help prevent them from recurring throughout the year.

As much as possible, keep your windows and doors closed. It is helpful for your home to have them open once in a while to air it out but keeping them this way allows a constant stream of allergens to invade as well. Screened doors and windows will keep the bugs out but mold and pollen spores can easily travel through and settle all over your home.

Mold thrives in humid environments so be sure to control the levels in your home to keep it to a minimum. A humidity level of about 50% will to keep it in check. A dehumidifier is also a good investment if you have a basement. Keep your basement, bathrooms, and kitchen clean – these are the main areas where humidity levels are typically the highest. If you have houseplants, you might want to consider relocating the hardier varieties outdoors, as these tend to harbor mold.

The best solution is to get a whole house air filtration system installed but if you don’t have the budget for that be sure to regularly change the air filters in your home. Change them at the very least every 3 months – do it every month if you suffer from severe allergies. Not only will this help to trap allergens and keep them from affecting your health, your heating and air conditioning will operate much more cost-effectively and efficiently. Finally, as dust mites are a huge problem in some areas you can buy allergen-impermeable covers and encasing your mattress and pillows.