Monthly Archives: May 2014

Where to Find the Best HVAC Supply in Toronto

2024-02-07T23:09:46+00:00Air Conditioning|

For those who prefer to take care of their heating or cooling system by themselves, or for HVAC contractors in the area, there are several places to go throughout Toronto in order to get the right HVAC supplies. For the average homeowner who realizes that he needs insulating tape for the ducts in his house

In Toronto, the Heating Season Continues


At the time this article was written, it was the beginning of May. It’s well into spring and while the days are (gradually) growing warmer, there have been a number of cold snaps and overnight freeze warnings. When is the heating season actually over? According to meteorologists, the major threat of significant cold weather dramatically

Why Your Hot Water Heater is Costing You Money

2024-02-07T23:09:46+00:00Water Heaters|

Every minute of every day, the hot water heater in your home is working. That doesn’t mean that the elements are on, heating the water, but it is measuring the temperature of the water in the tank and, when needed, it’s turning on those elements to keep the water at the desired temperature. Most homeowners

Central Air Conditioning Tips for Toronto Residents

2024-02-07T23:09:46+00:00Smart Tips|

Before summer arrives in full force, you should think about your air conditioning system. Not all homes have air condition and many rely on window units, but the tips we’ve compiled here for central air conditioning systems will apply to them as well. It’s never too early to have the system inspected and cleaned. At

Why Now is the Right Time to Have Your Furnace Serviced


Spring has finally arrived, though it’s done so at a reluctant pace. Right now, the last thing on your mind is dealing with your furnace. But that’s why it’s also the ideal time to consider having it serviced. First, at this time of year, most people aren’t thinking about their heating systems. They’re thinking about

Now is the Time to Replace Your Old Furnace


Now that winter is finally over, it’s time to think about replacing that old, worn out furnace. You just spent plenty of your hard earned money on heating your home and the last thing you want to think about is spending more to replace that old, clunky, noisy, fuel guzzling furnace. However, if your furnace

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